Our Characters


Also know as Boltie by his closest gnoll type friends. The Swordsman was selected as co-leader because, with the exception of also sharing high charisma, Bolt was the opposite of Devlin in every way.

Bolt is an outgoing politician. He knows how to see the forest for the trees because he knows not to take some things too seriously. Bolt has the ability to play the strengths of some with the weaknesses of others. Bolt is anything but quiet and he is always in the front of the party.

Even though Bolt can occasionally appear "nerdish," with his selection of vocabulary, the confident Swordsman is an eloquent leader and skilled fighter. Bolt has also demonstrated that high intelligence can be used to master the arcane arts as well.

Bolt the Scribe has also compiled a journal of the expedition so far.

Phth Lart

Phth does not know how he came about to be half-human. He knows that a superior gnoll should understand the mix, but to tell you the truth he just doesn't care. Phth has few special abilities that he will tell you about, but he will tell you about them frequently. The Half gnoll is a strong fighter with an exceptional constitution. The fact that he is still alive is a reflection on his high health, which is his only compensation for poor armor and minimal dexterity.

Phth is proud of his healthy appetite. He also can be brought around to see the other side of almost any arguments if his opponent has enough gold or alcohol. He has many pleasures such as killing, drinking, and smelling his arm pits.

Xan Par Crie

The Crie is an elemental from the quasi-material plane of nature. This plane is juxtaposed between the plane of earth and the positive material plane. The Crie is on a quest of its own for the Suma caller named Ivorum Talus. A negative shadow has crept its way into the plane of nature. In order to find away to defeat the malignant growth, Xan Par was sent by the Crie Council to find the caller who possess the tomb of life.


Hans is currently dead. He was a nice fighter with a curious eye to science. Now, of course, he has two mold encrusted dead eyes.


Korg is a half Frost Giant. He has a dog-named Jorik. More about Korg may be here soon.


Anterbach is a kender Cleric. What to know more? Just keep an eye on this page.


Dev is a calm but troubled Human Ranger. He was selected as co-leader more for his skill in battle than any leadership skills. If anything, Dev leads from behind. Hiking as much as 20 yards behind the party, his quiet presence radiates a sort of cold confidence that has endeared the members of the party to him. He speaks rarely, but when he does, what he says carries a lot of weight. He too is on a personal quest.


Florimund is a hero in an ancient and yet very famous gnome legend soon to be written by him. He has many great stories that he will tell you as often as you happen to be within earshot. A confident Illusionist, Florimund is almost as capable a fighter. The gnome, of course, has been the major factor in all of the party's successful battles thus far. Just check the official party chronicles authored by Florimund.


Dobbs is a tall drink of water, mostly dressed in leathers. His eyes display an intense curiousity, and he is more likely to ask why than what. He has a standard pack, which he rarely wears, containing overnight gear. He also carries a knapsack which contains his writing implements and paper, and his belt contains a holster and a few pouches. Two Dobbs quotes:

  • Jorik, I feel that I am not in Kansas anymore.
  • You couldn't get away with that in the modern nineteenth century.

Special Abilities

 Bolt       Dexterity, Intelligence
 Dev        Strength, Dexterity
 Korg       Strength, Constitution
 Anterbach  Dexterity, Wisdom
 Florimund  Dexterity, Intelligence
 Phth       Constitution
 Dobbs      Curiosity


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This PBEM game is an original, copyrighted work. Permission for sale and/or non-private use of this material is neither granted nor implied. We write for fun, and we hope you enjoy these stories.