12/01/01It is time to consider training. However, Dobbs is still a dog . . .06/18/01Players have been given EXP for participation and for putting up with a slow GM. Those who respond within two weeks were given 2200 XP, and those who waited longer only got half that.02/27/01Anterbach was the first to start thinking about digging outside, and for that he earned some important knowledge-experience.Reminder! Be sure to send dice rolls, even when not attacking. I use them for all saving throws, etc. In fact, sometimes I use them for general luck. Finally, in case you don't check the health status board, I must observe just how low the health of the fighter corps is. 10/05/00Editor's Note: These are the old GM notes, and will remain until they have been replaced with something more recent.12/15/99250 EXP award to the first person to email me the answer
to the following question, what is the Official PHB casting time for the
Cleric spell, Heal? 10/28/99Here is the deal. I am looking for you to do some writing for me. Lets talk about the bribe first of all. I will be awarding the following. First prize (first one complete) 3000 EXP and 3 Permanent Hitpoints Second Prize (Drawing of those complete by Thanksgiving) One Magic Weapon (+2) Third Prize (For all who enter by December 15th) One Scroll.(Random or Lvl 1-3 choice) What do you have to do? I want a new character description. First of all, give us the kind of introduction that would be told around the camp fire. No more than 300 words tops. Tell a little about your character. No secrets please. Then give me 25-50 words of description... what we see when looking at you. I want this from all of you. It will be part of the story. Please do not worry about not talking if your character is shy or whatever. I will fit it in. Oh one more thing, I will give you one potion of your choice (max 4) for every 30-50 word description you give me of a fear your character has or a family tradition that might prove interesting in a story of this type. No one knows what treasure you get. No one knows until I put your writing into the story what you send me. Take Care, me 12/28/98Bonus award for searching the site, the first charcter to email with this message "found the notice" will find a small treasure on the next turn! Bonus Experience Points
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