Episode 46
The Tomb Beyond

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale The Tomb Beyond the Grell Lair
Date 20th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time later in the evening

Next there was further experimentation with the alcoves. Gimar tied a rope to the crossbow (and then to the bolt) and shot it into the darkness.

Rheaphlyndar You know, Gimar, if something big and nasty gets stuck with that, it might give it a strong yank with ugly results . . .
Gimar A chance I was willing to take.
Reaphlyndar . . . I wouldn't want to see you flying into the darkness.
Nicola (turning around) So what's with this cross bow stuff?
Gimar Just checking to see if the alcove extends any distance.

The dour dwarf shouldered his crossbow and went back to his battleaxe. The floor of the corridor was littered with broken statuary and debris, and the party cautiously advanced. Jaron didn't feel any evil emanations coming from the corridor ahead.

Jaron Still, keep a sharp lookout people.
Rheaphlyndar (squinting into an alcove as he passes it) Hey, what's that? Look out guys, we're under attack.

An inky black shadowy shape crept from the alcove as the party passed (or as it was spotted by the rogue). Nicola charged to the back of the party.

Nicola All undead withers in the holy light of Pelor.

The shadow paused for a moment, perhaps considering the cleric.

Dollin (urging) More Faith!
Nicola (shouting) Begone!

With that the shadow monster retreated into it's alcove.

Rheaphlyndar continued to examine alcoves as the party moved up the hallway. Nicola and Jaron turned the lone shadow that lurked in each of them. Thirteen alcoves later, the party reached the end of the hallway, which was blocked by a stout wooden door with iron bands.

Dollin (warning) Back
Gimar I'm not going close to that door!
Rheaphlyndar Just a few seconds left . . . Ah, there's nothing lurking on this door.
Gimar Too bad, someone else can open it this time..

The thief gave the door a very thorough going-over and pronounced the door trap free, and not locked. Dollin stepped forward, spear ready, and opened the door.

Beyond was a largish room with the same frescoes as seen earlier, but other than that, bare. Near the center was a sunken well, the tiled lip sloping slightly towards the opening. Gimar and Nicola moved into the room.

Gimar (concentrating on his Dwarven reflexes) Hmmm, it feels like the whole floor slopes towards the well slightly.
Reaph Hang on, folks. I hate to sound paranoid, but lets' make sure this slope isn't a trap.

The rogue scanned the room for oil residue or murder holes. Finding none, he was astonished when he turned back towards the well and saw little, dancing, skeletal snakes. Nicola was pulling out her holy symbol and the rest of the party seemed mesmerized.

Nicola They're skeletal, so I'm going to try and turn them.
Reaphlyndar I think it's staff time . . . sleeping potion and daggers probably aren't going to work here. (snapping his fingers) No wait, better idea. I've still got this bowl of water projection.

 4 Nicola        :4: Turn attempt fails
 6 Necrophidius  :8: misses Rheaphlyndar
 6 Necrophidius  :16: misses Rheaphlyndar
 6 Necrophidius  :20: critical(14) on Gimar,
 6 Necrophidius  :17: misses Gimar
 6 Necrophidius  :6: misses Jaron
 6 Necrophidius  :5: misses Jaron
 6 Necrophidius  :18: hits Dollin
 6 Necrophidius  :3: misses Little John
 6 Necrophidius  :20: critical(14) on Wed
 6 Necrophidius  :14: hits Nicola
 7 Rheaphlyndar  Draws decanter of endless water
Jaron and Little John awoke from their hypnotic trance, while Wed and Dollin collapsed in a heap. The Necrophidia began to do a little dance on top of them, at least until they were hit by a blast of water from Rheaphlyndar. A larger Necrophidius, made of stone, was now moving forward to attack.

 * Little John   :16: hitting one fairly hard
 3 Nicola        :20: critical (19), destroying one.
 5 Stone Necroph.:11: misses Jaron
 5 Rheaphlyndar  :16: hoses down Wed and Dollin, blasting the monsters
 5 Necrophidius  :5: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :6: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :9: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :8: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :6: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :8: misses
 5 Necrophidius  :5: misses
** Jaron         :9: misses
The Necrophidia on Dollin and Wed were getting quite wet but weren't letting go just yet. The thief inched slowly forward, to try and increase the force of the water. Finally, Gimar was still hypnotized by the dazzling dance of death.

 * Little John   :17: hits, slaying a Necrophidius
 5 Nicola        :18: hits, slaying a Necrophidius
 7 Rheaphlyndar  :15: hoses down Wed, Dollin and Gimar
10 Necrophidius  :2: misses
10 Necrophidius  :4: misses
10 Necrophidius  :4: misses
10 Necrophidius  :10: misses
10 Necrophidius  :19: hits Gimar
10 Stone Necroph.:20: critical (10), hits Jaron
** Jaron         :**: Scather hits the stone Necrophidius
Rheaphlyndar washed the monsters off of Wed and Gimar, but the dwarven warrior collapsed when another one bit him. Jaron was struck soundly by the stone Necrophidius and fell to one knee, but his magical sword struck a solid blow in retort.

 * Little John   :10: misses
 3 Nicola        :20: critical (6) hits, slaying a Necrophidius
 5 Rheaphlyndar  :6: hoses down Wed, Dollin and Gimar
10 Necrophidius  :15: hits Gimar
10 Necrophidius  :16: hits Jaron
10 Necrophidius  :4: misses
10 Necrophidius  :10: misses
10 Stone Necroph.:18: hits Jaron
** Jaron         :3: Scather hits the stone Necrophidius

 * Little John   :18: hits, slaying a Necrophidius
 1 Rheaphlyndar  :6: continues to blast away with the firehose
 6 Nicola        :1: fumble (13)
 8 Necrophidius  :10: misses Jaron
 8 Stone Necroph.:19: hits Nicola
** Jaron         :17: hits, slaying a Necrophidius
Nicola's misstep brought her directly into the path of the stone Necrophidius. The swift strike left the cleric collapsed in a heap. Jaron finally succumbed to the magical paralyzation effect, leaving only Rheaphlyndar and Little John, and Gimar who was now standing up, to fight the stone beast.

Rheaphlyndar continued to pour water at the stone Necrophidius, which seemed unaffected. Gimar roared a great challenge and fought bravely, rocking the stone monster while Little John missed.

Just as Rheaphlyndar was grabbing his staff to help out, Gimar smashed the stone Necrophidius into many tiny bits.

Gimar Damn, those are no undead, that's for sure.
Rheaphlyndar (looking for treasure) Nicola couldn't turn them.
Gimar I guess not. I've read about these, they are more like golems, really. (to himself) Whoever built this place sure liked golems.

Rheaphlyndar got out his new climbing rope and, finding nothing to really tie it to, ordered it to stiffen, with knots every nine inches or so. The rest of the party slowly came around. Wed, however, did not rise.

Gimar (looking askance) What are you going to do with that thing?
Rheaphlyndar We need to find the bottom of this well, no?
Gimar Hey, Wed needs some healing, quickly!

The dwarf moved over and slapped some Keoghtom's ointment on the mage. Nicola and Dollin provided some additional healing, and Jaron "laid hands" on Wed also. While the healers were still at work, Gimar went over and descended Rheaphlyndars rope.

Wed Say, where's Gimar?
Nicola Hmmm, he has been gone a long time.
Jaron I'll go investigate.
Rheaphlyndar I'll follow you in, big guy.
Jaron Nice knots. Hey, what's that?

As Jaron moved into the fog two things happened. First off, he heard a whispering sound, very compelling. Next, a short blur zoomed past him, rapidly climbing and then zipping out of the well.

Rheaphlyndar (about to grasp the rope) Whoah!

The dwarf disturbed Jarons concentration, and he tried again to listen for the lulling voices. Instead, he only heard a fearsome wailing.

Jaron (climbing quickly) Aauugh!
Rheaphlyndar (begins to pull up the rope) Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't go down there.
Little John (shoving the rogue aside) Step aside, I am going down there to kick some ass.
Nicola Figures.

Nicola and Rheaphlyndar began to descend the rope as they heard the sounds of battle begin below. Dollin grabbed to rope to follow.

 * Little John   :16: hits the Soul Beckoner
 5 Beckoner      :4: misses
 5 Beckoner      :3: misses

 * Little John   :8: misses
 2 Beckoner      :12: misses
 2 Beckoner      :2: misses
Nicola reached the floor and saw the creature. It looked like a combination of skeleton, ghoul, ghast, ghost, and based on the wail, a banshee. She readied her holy symbol as the warrior continued to battle with his staff. Rheaphlyndar was still descending above her, but it sounded like Dollin had also given up the ghost.

 * Little John   :4: misses
 1 Beckoner      :5: misses
 1 Beckoner      :16: hits, draining Little John
 7 Nicola        :17: turns the creature

Nicola Yes!
Little John Oh, the cold, the pain!
Rheaphlyndar Hmm, this mural is a little different than all the rest.

Jaron arrived at the top of the rope as Dollin and the others examined the large mural. A great fighter in black chainmail with a red marbled brooch stood proudly on the battlefield, hefting a rune-embossed bastard sword.

Little John I wonder if that's the dude I just fought.
Nicola I suppose this could be a tomb of sorts.
Rheaphlyndar Well, the treasure will probably be over there, then.

The rogue motioned towards a red-veined marble slab, upon which stood a great black stone tomb. Unfortunately, none of the biscuits were able to push the top back. Fortunately, Jaron pointed out that two of them could probably work together, so Little John and Jaron readied themselves for the attempt. Nicola readied her holy symbol.

Within the tomb was a skeletal figure, mostly crumbled to dust. Where his chest would be was a rune-embossed bastard sword . . . which flew out of the tomb to attack!

 * Little John    :20: Critical (7) on the sword
 6 Dollin         :20: Critical (5) on the sword, no lightning effect
 8 Nicola         :11: misses
 9 Animated Sword :20: Critical (4), draining Little John
 9 Rheaph         :9: misses
10 Wed            :4: Casts magic missile, but hits Little Johns staff.
** Jaron          :19: Hits the sword

 * Little John    :9: misses
 6 Animated Sword :7: misses
 7 Rheaph         :3: misses
 7 Dollin         :10: misses
10 Nicola         :10: misses
** Jaron          :16: hits, destroying the sword

Ka-Boom !!!

Nicola Seems like everything explodes recently.
Gimar What did I miss?
Dollin That guy on the mural was actually an undead soul-sucker that attacked Little John.
Jaron 'Course, he's changed some. Being buried in the earth does that.
Dollin Then we opened the tomb and this animated sword jumped out and soul-sucked Little John again, but we beat it down until it went BOOM.
Nicola It's just as well it exploded. We would have had to destroy the evil thing anyway.
Rheaphlyndar (giving a low whistle) Wow, those are some nice gems and jewelry. My estimate is, about 12 grand.
Wed And that brooch detects as magical.
Little John (shaking) Can we please leave now?

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Quote: John