Player Characters and their Status The cast of thousands -- Non-Player Characters Not so Recently Heard Rumours Town of Northbank and a Regional Map My own views on the game, some house rules, and the quotes. |
![]() Some magic items provided by Stainless Steel Dragon. |
Episode | Event | |
Episode 91 | The Biscuits go further into the temple, in search of treasure. | |
Episode 90 | Within the ruins of Pontylver, a desecrated temple is explored. | |
Episode 89 | The path through the Hestmark Highlands and arrival in Pontylver. | |
Episode 88 | The Biscuits travel through Sunndi, approaching their face-to-face meeting with Lord Drax. | |
Episode 87 | We catch up with the biscuits as they enter Sunndi proper. | |
Episode 86 | The road from the Iron Hills to Idee. | |
Episode 85 | More planning on the road, as the Biscuits near the tough part of their journey. | |
Episode 84 | Gimar has a foolish (April) dream. | |
Episode 83 | Training and other business concluded, the Biscuits leave the free city behind. | |
Episode 82 | A meeting and long discussion with the Lord Mayor, and the first day of training camp for some. | |
Episode 81 | The missing biscuit turns up, none the worse for wear. As he and the party are reunited, they are summoned to the Lord Mayor's chamber. | |
Episode 80 | The Biscuits take some R & R in the Free City of Irongate, and Rheaphlyndar rejoins the world of the living. | |
Episode 79 | Demons spell freedom for the Biscuits. | |
Episode 78 | A sticky situation at what should be the end of the parties mine exploits. | |
Episode 77 | The party moves inexorably towards Irongate, and the Emerald Blades reach the temple proper. | |
Episode 76 | The further adventures of the underground biscuits. | |
Episode 75 | Gimar leads the way into the underground, in search of the abandoned dwarven mines. | |
Episode 74 | The Biscuits recuperate with buttered crab meat, and reflect on Jaron's situation. | |
Episode 73 | The Biscuits finagle their way across the rest of the sound, and then hit the beach. The beach, of course, hits back. | |
Episode 72 | The Biscuits hire a boat to take them across the Sea of Gearnat, and they make it halfway across with little trouble. | |
Episode 71 | Travelling downriver through the Gnatmarsh, the Biscuits muse on their adventures and battle insects and amphibians. | |
Episode 70 | Gimar get's in a lucky shot, and only one of the Biscuits fall. Dollin is reunited with his folks after a long absence, and his mother fixes a mean stew. | |
Episode 69 | Dollin springs himself from jail and the Biscuits agree to battle the Green Dragon who is menacing the countryside. | |
Episode 68 | The Biscuits road journey from Leukish to Nellix Town. Also, the first mention of the Emerald Blades. | |
Episode 67 | Eight party members travel eight different paths within Leukish, then meet up again to continue towards the Celadon. | |
Episode 66 | The Biscuits continue East to Leukish, through many small towns. | |
Episode 65 | After vanquishing the Hill Giant's lair, the party makes good time to Goldplain, arriving after dark, but just in time for a celebration! | |
Episode 64 | The Biscuits troup off to the lair of the Hill Giants, hoping for unguarded treasure. | |
Episode 63 | The Rod of Alertness demonstrates it's function, and the Biscuits get to meet some more of the Cairn Hills residents. | |
Episode 62 | The Biscuits visit the town of Sourlode and continue on, crossing the border of the Duchy of Urnst. | |
Episode 61 | Continuing east along the Urnst Trail, the Biscuits meet the locals and slay one of them. | |
Episode 60 | The Biscuits hold a dinner planning meeting in the small town of Diamond Lake. | |
Episode 59 | The split party rejoins and and moves out on their quest, and we peek in on an old friend. | |
Episode 58 | Back to Northbank with Nicola, who is helping build a new temple. | |
Episode 57 | Jaron and Dollin putter around and about the Free City, and Wed is busy training. | |
Episode 56 | Nicola and Gimar arrive in Northbank. But if this is our dwarven warrior, who was that in the Free City? | |
Episode 55 | The party splits, with most of the group arriving in Greyhawk. | |
Episode 54 | The party wraps up it's business in Dyvers and travels east along the Western road. Near Ford Keep they run into a familiar face. | |
Episode 53 | The Biscuits battle the Frog who Sweats and Stinks. | |
Episode 52 | The party finishes selling their food and makes a local contact, hopefully getting them that much closer to their goal. | |
Episode 51 | The Biscuits arrive in Critwall, despite a fiendish encounter. | |
Episode 50 | As the party works its way into Critwall, we take a look at some of other residents of the World of Greyhawk. | |
Episode 49 | The Biscuits vote as one to accept the quest, and make preparations. | |
Episode 48 | Little John can be saved, but at the cost of another side quest? Yet again, the Biscuits have to make a choice. | |
Episode 47 | The Biscuits travel south through Furyondy, finally returning to the Free City of Dyvers | |
Episode 46 | Beyond the Grell lair lay the tomb of an unknown warrior, and Little John finds all this a very draining experience. | |
Episode 45 | The Biscuits delve deep into the lair of the Grell, and discover even more mysteries. | |
Episode 44 | Once again down the road to Worlende, and once again an encounter. | |
Episode 43 | The Biscuits arrive in Chendl and are whisked into a super-secret meeting with King Belvor IV. | |
Episode 42 | On the road to Chendl (again) the Biscuits mix it up with some local wildlife. | |
Episode 41 | The Biscuits return to base camp to heal and drop off shovels, and bump into a certain mischievous druid. | |
Episode 40 | After a few days of digging and resting, the treasure-laden Biscuits go for their next enemy - the Will O' Wisps. | |
Episode 39 | Fresh from their encounter with the Velunese Lights, the Biscuits finally battle the Earth Elementals in the Temple of Elemental Evil. | |
Episode 38 | The Biscuits soak up the notoriety and throw a birthday bash. | |
Episode 36 | Travelling south by barge, the Biscuits get to see more of Furyondy. | |
Episode 37 | Some of Dollin's adventures within the Vesve forest. | |
Episode 35 | Rheaphlyndar puts his spin on the last six weeks. | |
Episode 34 | The Biscuits feast and compare notes from the previous weeks, and a missing figure returns. | |
Episode 33 | A meeting with the King of Furyondy, Belvor IV. | |
Episode 32 | Wrapping up Chendl with Nicola and Wed. | |
Episode 31 | Jaron and Rheaphlyndar have various encounters. | |
Episode 30 | Gimar and Little John meet the people of Chendl. | |
Episode 29b | Bandits find unexpected Biscuits in their way. | |
Episode 29a | The road from Ryemend to Chendl is long and frought with danger, but Avras drives the party onward. | |
Episode 28 | Forces of evil are bent on destroying Ryemend, with only the Biscuits to stand in their way. | |
Episode 27 | The party visits Nulb and Verbobonc on their way to Chendl, with a rude interruption in Ryemend. | |
Episode 26 | The body is removed from the coffin and prepared for travel. | |
Episode 25a | The group examines some of its magical treasure and re-examines the figure in the invisible coffin. | |
Episode 25 | Recap of the rest of the second level and another foray onto the third. | |
Episode 24 | While the party rests we take a peek at what is happening elsewhare. | |
Episode 23 | Little John is found and restored, and the Biscuits get lit up! | |
Episode 22 | After much time has passed, the party decides to continue adventuring. But where's McClane? | |
Episode 21 | Recounting the tale of how the group finishes off the first level of the dungeon (except for the earth elementals), finishes a good portion of the second dungeon level then plunges down to the third level. | |
Episode 20 | Continuing in and exploring the west side of the dungeon, the party meets up with more undead and finds out why this the map is labeled "Earth". | |
Episode 19 | A first foray into the dungeon reveals a mixup in the maps and some Harpie Skeletons! | |
Episode 18 | A quick trip to Hommlet to restock. | |
Episode 17 | Falling back, the party explores the grounds around the Temple. | |
Episode 16 | At last the Biscuits reach the temple, and after a bit of reconnoitering they explore most of the main temple level. | |
Episode 15 | Working with the Gnomes, the party eliminates all trace of the undead from the little town of Nulb. | |
Episode 14 | On the road to Hommlet, via Sobanwych and Nulb. The party stops in Nulb and considers lending a helping hand. | |
Episode 13 | The Unluck of the draw, and the party gains some new faces. | |
Episode 12 | The party arrives in Dyvers and further discusses the route choices. | |
Episode 11 | More training in Greyhawk; acquired knowledge from Prudence. | |
Episode 10 | Exploring the transporting archway, further training in Northbank. | |
Episode 9 | I don't like spiders and snakes. | |
Episode 8 | The re-invasion of Coset's tower goes horribly wrong. | |
Episode 7 | The group finishes training, gets ready to go to Hommlet, and experiences a sudden change of plans. | |
Episode 6 | Various members of the party have adventures in the Free City, and meet up to discuss future plans. | |
Episode 5 | "I buy the Dwarf a beer..." The party celebrates, trains, and travels to the Free City of Greyhawk. | |
Episode 4 | Confronting Coset Nostrand... and his new minion. | |
Episode 3 | The newly formed party of Biscuits travels into the Mistmarsh, and picks up a clue. | |
Episode 2 | Gimar and G'Leina discuss the candidates while waiting for Bishop Gary. | |
Episode 1 | G'Leina meets with Gimar to request aid in a quest to destroy an abomination. | |
pre-history | The Day of the Great Signing. A Pact is signed in Greyhawk that ends the Greyhawk Wars. | |
Gimar, Rhamood, Mel, 1066, and the Beast Woman return from their adventure, returning precious items to the temple in Ket. The group goes their separate ways, claiming to be busy with work. | ||
Sir Geireon is misled by a female werewolf and slain by her and her father, a vampire named Coset Nostrand. | ||
Gimar first joins up with a group exploring the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk. Sir Geireon has just left the group. | ||
The Temple of Elemental Evil adventure is abandoned. Lie Vay the clown- faced returns home to the Vale of the Mage, Sir Geireon joins the group. | ||
A party consisting of Lie Vay, Celeste, Prudence Redstone and Atherion Grey Mage first enters the Temple of Elemental Evil. Eventually Trang and Silence the Loud will join the group and Prudence will leave (with quite a fortune). | ||
Thrommel, the Prince of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna is kidnapped on the morning of his wedding day, by uknown figures in red robes. | ||
At the Battle of Emridy Meadows, the forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil are defeated, and the battle is carried back to the temple itself which is sacked, despite the aid of a great demon in battle. The doors are sealed with powerful magics, perhaps trapping a great evil entity inside? | ||
Jaron Yhanovaar is born. | ||
Enolis Dollindoleribinish is born. | ||
Rheaphlyndar is born | ||
Nicola is born | ||
Gimar is born, the youngest of four children, in the Lortmil mountains. | ||
Yodavan Taeryohanlarslojan is born | ||
Prudence Redstone is born |
Needfest (festival) | Growfest (festival) | Richfest (festival) | Brewfest (festival) |
1. Fireseek (winter) | 4. Planting (spring/summer) | 7. Reaping (high summer) | 10. Patchwall (autumn) |
2. Readying (spring) | 5. Flocktime (low summer) | 8. Goodmonth (high summer) | 11. Ready'reat (autumn) |
3. Coldeven (spring) | 6. Wealsun (low summer) | 9. Harvester (summer/autumn) | 12. Sunsebb (winter) |
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